Tuesday 12 May 2009

Increase In Botched Repair Jobs

A new report claims more homeowners are having to repair "botched" home improvements because unqualified traders have carried out substandard work.

Homeowners risk having to make home insurance claims for damage caused by badly done repairs and research by Lloyds TSB shows people are having to pay over £1,000 to correct sub-standard work.

The report shows among 2,400 adults questioned one in 10 had to have work done again because of incorrect repairs, 16% more than the previous year.

Figures also show that the average cost of the repairs was £460, but some homeowners have been forced to pay out more £1,200 fixing a conservatory and almost £700 on roof work.

The groups said of the people questioned a third who had experienced "botched" jobs had not checked workers' qualifications and never considered the cost of having to pay to repair completed work.

Lloyds TSB insurance managing director Phil Loney said: "Rogue traders are on the increase and costing unsuspecting homeowners thousands."

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